15 Haziran 2012 Cuma


The meaning and definition of deconstructivism

         There were so many different architecture styles throughout the history, that, probably, it would be difficult to put the history of all of them into a single article. All of them have their own features, which attract people for many ages. Some architecture would amaze the environment by its beauty and originality; however, others, like deconstructivism, would rather “scare” by their own strange appearance. It might seem strange to us, regular people, but not for those, who live with it.
          In comparison to other architecture styles deconstructivism would not be an old branch in the world of art architecture. The beginning of it goes back to late 1980s, the time that many of us would probably still remember. There were two sources that gave start to deconstructivism. There is a thought that it was started by the group of people called deconstructivists, who were attracted by the theories of French Philosopher Jacques Derrida. According to his philosophy, architecture is nothing but one of many ways of communication. Furthermore, another source reveals to us the idea that deconstructivism had a touch of Russian constructivism movement that took place at the same time in the history.

          Looking at the type of deconstructivism architecture it seems like different parts are glued together in order to form some bigger structure. Moreover, for an architect of the last century it would seem illogical since it contradicts with the rules of structure they knew. It changes all our knowledge we had before about architecture by creating new way of thinking and design in this field of art. Destructivists saw the architecture in the lenses of new century, where everything takes new shapes and new appearance. Even though this style might seem different or strange to many humans, it does not mean that it is not attractive to the eyes of art-loving people. The finished visual appearance of buildings that exhibit the many deconstructivist "styles" is characterized by a stimulating unpredictability and a controlled chaos.

          Many of us might know at least a bit of other styles in architecture, where artists love to put ornaments in order to make the decoration of the structure look beautiful. Furthermore, geometry, harmony and stability play a significant role in this field of work as well. On the other hand, deconstructivism would be completely opposite to it. Decoration and geometry is not necessary anymore in this branch of architecture. Deconstructivism is the wave of absolutely new style, which believes in irregular shapes of its own creation.

          There are many famous artists, whose works are marked as deconstructivistic. Among them we can find Coop Himmelblau, Daniel Libeskind, Eisenman, Gehry, Hadid, Koolhaas and a lot more. Their creations can be quite easy to recognize by their own irregular or awkward appearance. The examples of destructive creations would be seen in modern architecture, such as Michael Lee-Chin Crystal built in Toronto, Canada, Akron Art Museum in Ohio, Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Dancing Building in Prague, Performing Arts Centre in Abu Dhabi, and a lot more of strange and wonderful creations of modern architects.

          Everything what is strange to the human eye usually keeps our attention. Whatever is not the way we know, or the way our logic and thinking work, amazes us more than those usual and traditional features we usually see in our life. Deconstructivism is exactly this style of architecture that creates works, equally amazing and attractive to the humanity. It keeps interest of the person by its originality and uniqueness. The awkward appearance of this type of architecture is its own secret to keep our attention.

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